Author Archives: Voltaire

Carat Weight – what you need to know

Carat weight may seem like one of the most straight forward 4Cs however there is a lot more to carat weight than meets the eye! Here we cover the most important facts about carat weight and dispel a few myths too. What is Carat weight? In short, carat is the unit of measurement for the…

Diamond Sparkle

Here at Voltaire diamonds, one of the most frequent words we hear from our clients when referring to our diamonds is sparkle. Indeed ‘sparkle’ is the operative word, as this phenomenon is what makes diamonds the world’s most coveted gemstone. When it comes to engagement rings, sparkle is one of the most desired requirements. In…

What you need to know about diamond certification

Now widely referred to as a diamond grading report, a certificate is a special piece of documentation that accompanies your diamond purchase. A grading report  information about your diamond’s quality and offers you the assurance that you are getting a diamond graded without bias. How to read a grading report? Knowing the 4Cs will help…

The Most Romantic Proposal stories from our wonderful clients

Another wonderful proposal story that will melt your heart <3 Cormac & Luis Cormac & Luis met in London but recently settled down in Ireland. I got a great relocation package with my company and moved back to Ireland at the start of this year. Luis and I have been together for 3 years and…

Engagement Rings Limerick – The Most Romantic Proposal stories from our wonderful clients

Here at Voltaire Diamonds, we absolutely love a good proposal story.With the most popular proposal times of Christmas and New Year’s Eve beckoning, wethought why not kick off the romantic season sharing proposal stories from our very own clients. Sean & Emma Sean & Emma met at the University of Limerick and dated for seven…

Do you need a CAD for your custom engagement ring?

What is a CAD? CAD simply stands for Computer Aided Design, which is a special software application used to design and depict anything from mechanical and engineering parts, complicated building structures to pieces of art and diamond jewellery. There can often-times be some confusion surrounding what a CAD is exactly and what is does. It…

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